Arriving in Bali Indonesia

My arrival in Bali

When I arrived in Bali I was happy, but also very exhausted. I arrived and basically slept in the airport because I booked my hostel for the wrong day. Still not certain how I managed to do that, but it happened. I also felt quite sad for some reason, looking back now I realized that having stayed in Japan for over a month made it feel quite like home and I started feeling too comfortable being there.

Arriving in Bali brought me completely back out of my comfort zone, which didn’t feel nice even though that was one of the goals of this big adventure. I am glad I did this because else I wouldn’t have realized that I fell into the same comfort zone trap as I did in Belgium. Because I was staying at hostels I had many opportunities to meet many amazing people again. I even met up with someone I met on the plane, we still talk every now and then, but even though we both live in Japan, the distance is too far to actually meet up.