Tree parkour Bali – Last day’s in Bali

My last adventures in Bali

My last couple of days in Bali and I kept trying to push my limits, by hiking in a jungle and trying to fight my fear of hights by doing a tree parkour. Those were some of my most exhausting days of my time in Bali.

Tree parkour

I actually did this with a friend, it was a fun experience. But we were both afraid of heights and could not finish the last parkour. It was a fun experience but the time given was kind of short if you wanted to finish all the parkours.


We decided to take a taxi to the tree parkour place, along the way there we passed by monkeys and such. On our way back home, we tried hitchhiking, first we got on a bus which dropped us off a little further. and then a car picked us up. 2 foreigners rented that car and asked their driver to stop for us. We really appreciated that as we had been walking in the hot sun for over an hour at that point


We met some people in the hotel which were planning on going to a waterfall, but I had the stupid idea to take a “shortcut” on our way walking there hahaha. That was a mistake as we ended up in the jungle for the entire trip. What was supposed to be a walk to a waterfall turned into an adventure of hiking in the jungle.