How Make a Study Plan

How to make a study plan

In this video, I will show you how you can plan out your study schedule. It is also important to make your study schedule flexible so you enjoy (or at least not hate) it. In this article I’ll try to get a bit more in depth with how to make a study plan.

Creating study plans for languages

Learning languages, something many people really look up against. It’s too difficult, too time consuming, not worth it. Those are the things many people say about language learning, especially towards people learning Japanese as most people will never really need the language to begin with. And those things they say may be true, but you can do whatever you want.

  • Step 1: Set specific goals
  • Step 2: Resources
  • Step 3: Create a schedule
  • Step 4: Track progress

Tracking your progress is an important part of keeping motivated and staying on track. You can track your progress by keeping a journal, using a language learning app, or taking regular assessments to measure your progress. This is something I wished that I did from the start.

If I ever start learning a new language then I will probably want to track everything, the amount of stuff I had to relearn or forgot that I ever saw is quite large. I’m studying Japanese right now and my next language will probably be Korean. The very first day that I start, I will keep an excel sheet to keep track of everything. I will probably make vlogs about it so you can see how that will work out for me at that time.