38 degrees, hospitals in Japan and life update

Being sick in Japan

The worst part about being sick is that here in Japan, clinics make you sit in a waiting room for over an hour before it’s finally your turn for your appointment. Yes that’s right, you make an appointment but somehow they’re always late by minimum 40 minutes. I don’t blame the doctors, they are quite overworked probably and a lot of older people really like talking.

But when you are sick, you really don’t want to sit in a waiting room for so long.

How did I get sick?

Well, we moved to a new apartment, and the pipes were not fully utilized yet I guess and because they were new … yeah I always drink tap water and it gave me a bacterial infection. Not certain if we are to blame for not having the taps running for an hour straight when we moved in or if it is the fault of the apartment building owner, … Let’s say that I learned 2 important rules, wait some time to drink tap water in a new building and having a fever during beginning of Corona time is not important enough for the workplace.