Choosing The Best Plane Seats

Plane seats

Probably some of the most uncomfortable things about having a trip to a different country by plane. In this video we go over some of the tips on how to make this more comfortable. The video has some advice, and in this article I would like to talk a bit more about that and about some other things to consider.

If you’re planning a trip on an airplane, you may be wondering where to sit to get the most comfortable and enjoyable experience. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to find the best seats on a plane to ensure that your flight is as comfortable as possible.

Different airlines, different seats

First, it’s important to know that different airlines have different seating configurations, so it’s a good idea to research the specific airplane you’ll be flying on to understand the layout and options available.

Most airplanes have three classes of seating:

  • First class;
  • Business class;
  • Economy class.

First and business class

First class and business class seats are typically larger, more comfortable, and offer more amenities than economy class seats, but they also come with a higher price tag. If you have the money and want to have a comfortable flight to your destination, go with one of these.

Economy class

If you’re looking to save money, economy class is the way to go. However, even within economy class, there are different seating options to consider. For example, some airplanes have seats with extra legroom, which can be a great option if you’re tall or just want a little more space to stretch out. These seats are typically located near the emergency exits and come with a higher price than regular economy class seats.

Seat location

Another factor to consider when choosing your seat is the location on the plane. Generally, seats near the front of the plane have a smoother ride, as they are closer to the wings, which provide stability. Seats over the wings also tend to have more legroom. On the other hand, seats towards the back of the plane may be more prone to turbulence, but they also tend to have a shorter queue for the restrooms.

Watch out for …

When it comes to choosing a specific seat, there are a few key things to consider. First, look for seats that are not next to the restrooms or the galley, as these areas tend to be noisy and busy. Additionally, try to avoid seats next to the emergency exits, as these seats do not recline. If you’re traveling with a companion, consider choosing seats that are next to each other or in a row with an empty seat in the middle, so that you can have some extra space.

One of the best ways to find the best seats on a plane is to use an online seat map. Many airlines and online travel agencies offer interactive seat maps that allow you to see the layout of the airplane and the availability of different seats. This can be a great tool for finding the perfect seat for your needs.


In conclusion, choosing the right seat on a plane can make a big difference in your flying experience. By researching the specific airplane you’ll be flying on, considering factors such as seat location and extra legroom, and using online seat maps, you can find the best seats on a plane to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable trip.