My Study Battle-Plan for 2022

Books shown in this video:
JLPT N5-N4 practice book
JLPT N3 practice book
JLPT N2 practice book

My study battle plan

This plan often changes but at the moment I’m pretty happy with how it looks. I’ll be taking the JLPT this december so I only have about 279 days left. Sounds like a lot, sadly it’s not that much when you have a full time job.

I’ll be going for the N3 and I’ll mainly be using the Nihongo Sou Matome books together with their practice book which contains 500 JLPT N3 questions. I’ll be going through all their books starting from N5-N4 to make certain that I don’t forget any of the previous materials which I may have forgotten.

Another tool I’ll be using is Memrise and Anki. Memrise for it’s pre-made courses and Anki for the things I learn from books and other materials I’ll be using.

In the video I go into more detail of my entire study plan so give it a watch if you want to find out more! 😉