The last Anki deck you’ll ever need (until JLPT N3)
So I have created this deck called JP Study Buddy which can be downloaded at this link: and on
Learn this all and you can pass the JLPT N3 test, and you will be halfway passing the N2 as well. 😉 But this was made to learn Japanese, not to pass any kind of test, please take that in mind. Took me a week to make it, if you have any suggestions please let me know. This is not supposed to be a deck that contains everything nor will ever contain everything.
I’m very proud of the way I made this deck and I really hope many people will find it very interesting and useful. Enjoy studying Japanese!!
No more updates
I won’t be updating this deck as it basically contains everything already. IF there are any big mistakes please let me know that I can fix those. In the future I may make this into a memrise course, however, most of the info in this Anki course basically comes from Memrise courses so there is not really much of a need to do this. What I may do is create my own lesson plan for people to follow which will teach you everything which is inside of this deck. These are big dreams and will probably never be realized. ^^”
Only until N3?
From N3 level, your skills are high enough to read more native materials and to really focus on real Japanese. Unless you want to pass the JLPT N2 or N1 there really is no need for you to study specifically for those tests. Just start exploring Japan and real Japanese resources, there are enough of those online. Don’t follow the JLPT if you want to achieve fluency, follow the JLPT only to have a guideline to reach a certain level of knowledge, after that it’s time to turn that knowledge into experience. 😉 Good luck!!