Quick JLPT Grammar videos – How it’s made

For the people wanting to get the PDF’s to these resources:
https://ko-fi.com/s/1f7c4a0467 or https://voylin.itch.io/quick-japanese-grammar

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First of all, I would like to say that I made this video to explain why the N3 and N2 videos would take time to be published. This is why this video is not publicly available anymore on my channel but it’s something I would still like to share to people looking through my blog. ^^

JLPT Grammar videos, how are they made?

In this video I explain a bit why these videos take so long to make as many people are requesting the JLPT N2 video to come out already. Some people even ask for an N1 version already, but I wonder how many people know how much work goes into one of these videos. That’s why I made it so hopefully people will appreciate our work even more. ^^


The planning and preparation for this type of a video is massive. First you need to find a good way of presenting everything, this means visuals but also audio. We choose to have both English and Japanese included as I’m a big fan of audio lessons. Hearing both makes it possible to listen to the video whilst doing house work or whilst doing other things.

Many people don’t seem to grasp that just finding a way to present this kind of big amount of data isn’t an easy task. I’m not saying, nor will I ever say, that these videos are perfect. I may revisit these in the future to make better versions. Or maybe I’ll be making entirely new concepts to teach these grammar rules in a different way. But as of now, I’m happy with the work we’ve done


Creating the sentences for N5 was completely done by me, N4 together with my wife, but for the later levels my wife is the one in charge as she is the native speaker.


The recording alone takes us a couple of days, especially with the next videos as the amount of grammar points keep increasing. We decided upon recording our voices separately, this way I could make certain that audio levels stay more equal. In the N4 videos this is something that was a pain to fix as we did not record our sound separatly.


Editing is done by me and oohhh boy, this takes ages and requires so much concentration. Even with all the eyes on these videos, we still manage to get some mistakes past the fishing net. We will try to improve these videos in future editions when we revisit these, but for now they will have to do.

I’m using Kdenlive for these and the slides are made by google slides. Recording the audio is done by Audacity. I use a lot of open source software as I’m running Linux and many applications I was used to using like Davinci Resolve aren’t an option anymore.