I’m quitting anki – Why? What now?

My hate love relationship with Anki

I’ve always liked Anki, but the amount of things which you can customize always make it feel like you aren’t learning as efficiently as you may be able to if you would adjust certain things. This makes you waste a lot of time using Anki. This together with over learning and then being stuck with 1000 reviews on a single day can be very de-motivating.

Will I go back?

Of course I will go back, I often quit Anki for some time and return a month or so later. This time it may take me a couple more months as I really had it with the wasting time, but eventually I will return.

This app has been with me since the beginning of my Japanese learning journey. It helped me get over the first couple of steps to getting a grasp of the basics. However it is getting more and more demotivating to use Anki and although it was great when I started learning Japanese, I feel like it’s mainly slowing me down.

What now?

I’ll mainly be focusing on actual reading materials and other applications. Although other applications … Not certain if that will happen as I have yet to find a good application for studying Japanese. I should try to use more Japanese in my daily life but I just can’t find much opportunity nor find the discipline to keep myself to it. Speaking in Dutch and English is just way too convenient for me as it doesn’t slow me down. I don’t like to be inefficient, however if I don’t start I will never be able to get efficient whilst using Japanese.