How choose good study music

How to choose your study music

The perfect study music should be helping you with your studying and not decreasing your performance. Let’s go over some tips to optimize your studying by choosing the perfect music!

Don’t do Karaoke

Even if you study Japanese and Karaoke is popular here in Japan, doing karaoke whilst studying is distracting even if you don’t feel that it is. It’s best to choose something more similar to background type music without voices in it.

Study to the beat

Ever noticed that when you walk in malls you walk slower then in the streets? This is mostly to do with the type of music they play at malls. When listening to fast music you’ll walk generally faster compared to when listening to slow music.

A good fit

Choose something which you like and fits the topic you are trying to study. Studying Korean? Listen to korean background music, same goes for other languages. This is mainly for languages but maybe you could include this in your studies for other things, be creative. 😉


Link the type of music to what you are studying, this means every time when you study listen to that music as it will help with your motivation, hearing that song/melody will make you automatically more engaged in your studying as you always study with that particular song.

Don’t waste time

When selecting your music, don’t take too much time and don’t be too picky. If you take too long selecting music you will be loosing valuable study time.

My playlist

For people who are interested in my playlist, it’s a bit outdated as recently I just start lo-fi girl and start studying, but here is mine:

The reason why I don’t particularly focus on what music to choose is because my study sessions are kind of short anyway. Recently my work has been quite busy so to actually sit down and study properly became a whole challenge for me.